Thursday, October 31, 2013

Are You Defending Slavery?

African Americans were enslaved by humans living in the evil of deception and were set free from slavery by people who recognized the evil of that deception.

Same Sex Attraction is for the most part, an enslavement by the evil of deception. It captures people, chains them to others and carries them off from the normalcy of life. Denying them the freedom to live a normal, natural heterosexual life.

Rather than desiring the slaves to be set free, there is a movement that is fueled by that same deception to participate in encouraging these slaves of evil to see their slavery as "normal."

That is exactly the same evil deception that southern whites were rallying for and living under in their day. They defended the deception that "There are some people who were born to be slaves"...

It is a profoundly right desire to see all slaves set free no matter who or what enslaves them. What is going on right now in Hawaii and the USA is nothing less than enshrining this sad and cruel slavery into law as a "normal" condition of life. That will only lead to a deeper form of slavery and the massive spreading of deceptions of all kinds into all areas of society...

So to quote One who knows more than all of us put together: "Choose you this day whom you will serve..." But be aware that who you serve WILL become your master...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Beware The Underlying Contract!

What is that?

For the benefit of a younger generation which grew up with copy machines and scanners, I'll explain a bit. In the old days they didn't have those modern machines to make copies. What they did have was something called "carbon paper" which when pressure was applied to it some of the coating on the paper applied to the surface below. So When signing a contract, a carbon paper was inserted between the contract and another copy of the contract. Thus when signing the contract, the signer also signed via carbon paper the other copy of the contract (which was also derived via carbon copy). Thus the term "carbon copy." The carbon copied carbon signed contract was the "underlying contract." A carbon copy of a contract was considered a legal copy.

A contract can also be described as an agreement. An agreed upon and signed compromise can also be a contract.

The problem was that in the old days, unscrupulous men would place an entirely different contract under the one you were signing with the signature space directly below the one you were signing. If you didn't actually read the underlying contract you would be signing your agreement to the underlying and different contract as well. Many people in the real old days lost their homes and lands by signing a contract for an easement through their property, etc that had an underlying contract giving the other person your property. That's all illegal now but in a modern sense the lawyer for the person you are dealing with today has likely written the 20-30 pages of a contract in his clients favor with a few tidbits for you in case you actually read the thing... How many people have actually read all their mortgage documents or their rental contract?

The reason most people fell for that type of scheme to swindle them was A: They were incapable of reading the contract. B: They were ignorant of the fact that someone was that unscrupulous or C: the other person managed to gain their trust enough that they didn't bother to check the underlying contract.

Here's another example of a type of a different kind of "underlying contract" placed under the one someone is in effect signing. A young chaste woman is asked by a handsome young man if she would like to go out to dinner on a date. He seems like a nice respectable young man so she says yes. In effect she is signing a contract to go to dinner on a date. Altogether too often, the young man has other ideas of where he would like to go with this "date." He has an underlying contract. All he needs is for the young lady to "sign" the obvious contract by saying yes and agreeing that he will pick her up in his car. (Thus giving him tremendous power over where they go after their dinner.) Being on his best behaviour thus obviously engaging in the original contract, he asks her if she would like to go to a place in his car to check out the city lights. He seems trustworthy. She can't imagine such a nice young gentleman would be anything but. So she says yes. When they get there the lights are beautiful but nothing else that happens that night after that is. The young man's "underlying contract" with her is fulfilled to his satisfaction...

So what am I getting at with all this? Well it's sort of a parable if you will. We live in a world full of agendas. Most of them present themselves to us as "respectable" causes that somehow we find ourselves trusting are right. Many of us are ultimately signing on to these agendas like we would sign onto a contract at it's face value. Most if not all of these agendas have underlying contracts that if we knew the real terms of what we are unknowingly agreeing to, we would never sign off on them.

We need to recognize this concept of "underlying contracts" and very carefully inspect the social engineering contracts, agreements and compromises we are signing onto in this day and age. What we think we are signing onto is NOT what we are going to get... In a way we are like a naive young lady agreeing to a nice respectable date with a guy who is an expert at manipulating someone naive into a position where he can rape her. If you think the symbology I used was harsh just hang around a while. You won't.

You cannot trust Deception no matter how seemingly respectable the cause he is hiding behind.

The only person I would ever trust in this day and age we live in is God. He lays it all out there in front of you. No hidden, underlying contracts. This is what He has done for us in Jesus. This is what we need to do. This is how we get there. This is where and how we will end up... And He is the best lawyer we will ever find to represent us in this maize of agendas, and underlying contracts...


Friday, October 25, 2013

RapozaCare: My proposal...


When are we (and by extension our govt) going to have the guts to stand up to the medical professionals, administrators, schools, manufacturers and pharmacutical companies and say you will either drop your prices -or else- ...

Some people go into a car lot, see the car they want and whether they can or should afford it or not they just pay the price. Me? I go into a car lot and I KNOW they have way overstacked the price and I will wave some money in front of the sales manager and dicker with him till he brings the price down to what the car is really worth. If he doesn't, I nicely tell him that there are other car lots in town... I rarely hit the front door on the way out before he is calling me back in to sign the papers on the sale...

We need a govt like that to handle the REAL reason for exploded health care costs.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hawaii: Same Sex Marriage? A Word

I got this "Word" this evening for the believers in Hawaii. I found it odd because I have really not had anything to do with Hawaii for many years even though it was the place of my birth - my homeland.

"Are there no prophets in the church in Hawaii to warn these men and women in Hawaii's legislature of the spiritual peril they are entering into or the horrors they will be participating in and loosing upon the people of Hawaii? No one to warn them that they will be held personally accountable to God for their part in this? Have you become so religious that you have become useless? How many souls will be lost because of your cowardice? Now stand up as men and women of God, seek His face and speak what He commands you to speak..."

I shared this "word" with a brother there and the memory of the words I remember an old brother said once back in the 70's... "KEEP IT SIMPLE. KEEP IT BOLD!"

If you find yourself confused over this "word" above then it is probably not meant for you. If you want to know what God is saying about "same sex marriage" in it's simplest, purest form it is:


And we when we act like a three year old child wanting to know "WHY???", here is His answer to that question:


You can stand before God on that one. I am...

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Rumbling Like An Earthquake

There is something rumbling inside of me from the Lord like an earthquake rumbles the ground...

There is something about an earthquake that is marvelous and yet terrifying... No matter how much we think we have it together in our lives, in that moment we become so aware (really the Truth) that we are very frail and powerless compared to the power of nature... In one moment we can lose our homes, even much of our community, our jobs, and potentially our access to food, electricity, and (Oh Lord not that!) even our internet connections. An earthquake can dramatically change the landscape (and the life and understanding of security) we are standing on.

There are quite a few christians who have clearly sensed that there is an upheaval coming to the United States (and ultimately to the whole world) and like in an earthquake, when it happens, we are not even going to remotely recognize the nation for the condition that we "thought" it was in... Our security and everything we have put our faith into in life will be shaken by what we see.

But there is one thing in "christianity" in the US that we are totally overlooking for some reason and maybe that is evidence of deception itself IN the "church" itself (or at least what we recognize as the "church")...

The scripture says "judgement (the exposure of the truth) comes FIRST to the House of God and THEN to the world."

There is an incredible prophetic message planted at horrible human cost in the fall of the "Twin Towers" on 9/11/2001. Those towers did not collapse solely because some terrorists attacked them. They only attacked several stories near the top. The reason that the "Twin Towers" collapsed was because of the way they were built. In fact (all conspiracy theorists aside) it was the very qualities that made them strong and so "admirable" that caused them to collapse. As the top stories collapsed on the next story down, each collapsed story with it's weight and force of collapse was added to the total collapse exponentially cascading and crushing the whole building.

It's somewhat easy hindsight to see that in our economy and definitely in our political system at present, but how many christians in the USA can see that a whole bunch of the religious system we have built in American "christianity" resembles a city of towers.

Are we building for the admiration or are we building to protect and prepare the believers from an inevitable collapse of the system??? The GOOD NEWS is that Jesus and HIS CHURCH is going to endure forever. You can count on that. HIS church. Not YOUR church, not your pastor's church, not your denominations "church"... The church of Jesus is like nothing else on earth. It is a living organism held together by the infilling of the Holy Spirit of God Himself...

Footnote worth considering:
About 10 years ago, in Portland, Oregon, there was what I would call a "small" earthquake (3.8?). I grew up on a volcanic island and have been through at least two 7.2+ earthquakes and a dozen or so in the high 6.0+ range. Well shortly after this "small" earthquake, I went to a restaurant and everybody was all excited and talking about this "BIG" earthquake. So to educate them about the realities, I would ask them, "Could you stand up?" They would answer, "Why yes. Of course!" Then I would widen my eyes in wonder and tell them, "Then it wasn't a -BIG- earthquake." They really needed to think about THAT one...

Friday, October 11, 2013


JESUS the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, even though bearing the same physical restrictions as other human beings, reflected the COMPASSION of God towards those around him in ways that far surpass our human ability to express compassion. (as an example of "The Kingdom of God") JESUS didn't just "feel" compassion (like some of us do - that just makes US feel good about ourselves), everything JESUS did was DRIVEN by the compassion of God in him to respond to the need.

When faced with a crowd of thousands who had followed him out into the wilderness to hear him teach, who aside from a few loaves and fishes had no food, JESUS had COMPASSION for them and multiplied the loaves and fishes and fed the multitude with more left afterwards than what was there in the first place.

When faced with those who were crippled, blind, sick, etc JESUS had COMPASSION for them and "healed all those that came to him by faith"

When faced with the sufferings of people who were oppressed and even possessed by spiritual evil (demons / fallen spiritual beings) JESUS had COMPASSION on them as the victims that they were and with great authority commanded those oppressive spirits to leave their victims, leaving them at peace and in their right mind.

When faced with the sorrow of those mourning over the death of Lazarus (one of his followers) JESUS wept and being filled with COMPASSION for them commanded Lazarus to raise from the dead 4 days after he died. He did and many believed the teachings of JESUS after that...

When faced with the fear and sorrow of a woman found in the act of adultery that was about to be stoned to death under the "law", JESUS had COMPASSION on her, his words piercing through and exposing the hearts of those who were gathered to stone her, "He who is without any sin at all throw the first stone." No one could throw the first stone. Then he said to her, "Go and sin no more..."

And, when JESUS had spoken and done all that God had commanded him, and knowing that our ultimate punishment for sin was eternal death and separation from God, was DRIVEN by COMPASSION to submit himself as a living sacrifice for the sin of the entire human race. The only human being to have walked the earth without sin and separation from God, the only one for whom it was impossible to die, gave up his own life to the torture and death of the cross in exchange for the eternal lives of all humanity...

When all had been done and all fulfilled, God the Father looked upon the human race and the willing sacrifice of His only begotten Son, filled with COMPASSION, raised JESUS from the dead and opened the gates of ETERNAL LIFE to all those that would repent and come in by faith in the sacrifice and resurrection of His Son.

And, ever since then and to this day, around the world, wherever this message of hope is proclaimed in obedience and the power and demonstration of the COMPASSION of God, People are fed and clothed and sheltered, cripples walk, the blind see, the sick are healed, those oppressed by spirits go free, others receive back their loved ones from the dead, and those in fear and sorrow over their sinful lives and separation from God, who repent are completely forgiven and cleansed and given a new, eternal life to enter into and walk in. A new life. One that God desires to fill with His COMPASSION for others...

The "Good News" without God's Spirit of COMPASSION is Bad News. The one thing that GOD deliberately did NOT accomplish through the death and resurrection of JESUS: The establishment of "Religion"...

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Gotta Love Mr. Fixit

I am a carpenter/handyman by trade. I like what I do. I like fixing things for people.

The last couple weeks though I have told a few people, sort of jokingly, that "nobody ever calls me anymore unless they want something fixed!!" I've said it several times this last couple weeks and even though it got to be quite funny, by and large it has been true - Unfortunately.

Nobody ever calls me to say something like, "I just wanted to hear your voice." Well yesterday I was unloading my van and while I was pulling stuff out of it, I suddenly had a very clear awareness of God saying the exact same thing:

"Nobody ever calls ME anymore unless they want something fixed!! Much less calls to tell ME 'I just wanted to hear your voice.'"

Honestly, I chuckled. I understood what He was saying really well. Sometimes God will allow us to go through something so we can understand what He is saying or what someone else is going through in our hearts - not just in our heads.