I would rather look like a fool and tell the truth than be acceptable to a current mindset and tell a lie or even compromise the truth (which is a lie in itself)... That is easier said than done in today's world... but that just means there's a need to tell the truth all the more...
The scripture says that "We know in part and we prophesy in part (speak/write by
inspiration) but in that day, we shall know HIM even as we are known of
HIM." That is certainly something to look forward to...
With this in mind, please understand that I am not a "Somebody" in the elevated status sense that we are so inclined to worship these days even in the Church of Jesus the Messiah. I am by no means "perfect". Only God is. If you follow me, you have nothing. If you follow Jesus, you have everything God wants you to have...
Please take notice of one thing: This is my personal blog. Not my wife's, my children's, my grandchildren's, my friends or any acquaintances. You will do well to remember that and respect their privacy.
Please also note that I do not represent or nor do I belong to any organization on earth.
Contact Info:
Paul Rapoza