Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Underestimating That Winter

 If you are going to read this, please read it all. It is a very explosive topic to many and I have attempted to cover the issue in fairness but yet in the truth. To those who are offended, I am truly sorry that is so. To those Christians who may find themselves "cheering me on" at first, you may really be the ones who need to read it to the end...

25 years ago, a brother visiting us said something to me related to our new life in "America" but when he said it, I immediately had a rather strong recognition of something prophetic being spoken out at the same time about something that was to come. 

He said, "Don't underestimate that winter (that is coming)."

There is something I have been noticing on no less than a massive scale here in the USA. It is the combination of sexual immorality and a growing (at present verbally) violent and aggressive defense of it. Coupled also with that trend inseparably, the growing ridicule of christianity has been turning into utter disgust and outright aggressive expressions of hatred.

This is a "spirit filled" movement and it has it's own "evangelists" many of whom have a surprising level of "spiritual empowerment" to "convert" people to their ideals. When talking to these very influential individuals, there is a strong sense of accompanying "spirit" in them. I can easily see how someone unprotected by the blood of Jesus and the indwelling of God's Spirit could easily be swayed by anything they say.

What we are seeing  in part is the growing resentment to the restraint of the Holy Spirit holding back evil perceived as good...

Hidden behind this "gay marriage" movement is a spirit so sinister that we cannot even imagine the depth of it's evil. Once someone allows a spirit like that to convince them of something evil that they now perceive as good, that person, not realizing, forfeits the right to object, or possibly even recognize, anything else that spirit may have in mind to accomplish. The deception of evil being good automatically opens the door to the deception that good is evil. It is the greatest irony that people, in demanding "gay rights" for others are bordering on forfeiting all their own rights of moral determination (free will) to a spirit who could care less about what happens to homosexuals or anybody else. It is only using them until it accomplishes what it has set out to do in the wider population. I strongly suspect and sorrowfully so, that when this spirit is done manipulating this "homosexual agenda" for it's purposes it will turn on them in some horribly devastating way cutting off any avenue of escape for them. That time is coming soon.

Right now we are only seeing a certain outward deception in particular ways, a certain engineered conflict, but when, in the nature of this spirit's deception and rebellion against God, it thinks it has full control, it will reveal it's true nature. It's not going to be very pretty for anybody...

"Satan comes but to steal, kill and destroy. I am come that you may have life and life more abundantly." 
"If any man comes to me (with a humble convicted heart) in no ways will I cast him out" - Jesus
As to that which is called christianity here in the West, on the other side of this conflict but being drawn by the same forces into the same trap, we would do well to not only read the Book but also consult with the Author who inspired His scribes to write it. There are too many "voices" out there getting into shouting matches, most of them not even remotely qualified to address the issue much less the spirit behind it. Those who are doing so are only being used (tripped up by that spirit) to pour gasoline on the fire right now. Stop listening to your favorite talk show hosts and and being manipulated by political parties and do what God says to do and "come out and be separate". Seek the Lord while He may be found for the hour comes when darkness will cover the earth. The one thing I will say about this is that if you really want a powerful spiritual weapon against any agenda, choose to do what God does and view each person on earth as an individual person who is of tremendous value to Him. Someone Jesus paid for with His own blood. Not just a cog in the wheel of something you know to be evil.

Now if you want to know what that winter that we went through was like (and one we were anything but prepared for), near the end of that winter, it started warming up, unusually so, up to 70 in the daytime and 45 at night. Two days later, It dropped down to -25 F after snowing 6 inches the night before. It never got above 0 degrees F for 3 weeks. The road we lived on was virtually impassable. It was the most brutal winter I have ever been through in 25 years of living here. We were in no ways prepared for it nor the cabin we lived in. I thought we were prepared. I thought we were safe. I was wrong. If it wasn't for an elderly christian couple down the road who took us under their wing, it's very possible that we would have died. To my Christian friends, if you really want to be used of God to destroy the works of the enemy... Love your neighbors... All of them... Individually...