I am so glad that when I was born, I was born with a right side and a left side. For some reason if I think about being born or living with only a right side or only a left side it seems kind of icky.
Some of you may disagree with me, but, because I was born with a right side and a left side (a major qualification to understand what I am getting at here), when I eat, I feed BOTH sides of my body equally at the same time. And, quite frankly, I fully expect both sides to work together for the benefit of my whole body...
Kind of a crazy thought isn't it...
But if I saw a person with a big knife in each hand and the left side was trying to cut off the right side and the right side was trying to cut off the left side, I'd almost have to say that person was, well... Bewitched, insane. I'm tempted to almost say, demon possessed...
What do you think?
See what is going on right now politically in this country (USA) is that both "sides" are merely using certain issues to draw people onto their side to gain power for their own purposes which have nothing to do with those issues. To the powers that be, the issues are merely a means to an end... People are being USED!.
But there is a much wider agenda going on in levels far above what we can see in the realm of "power." The "power players" on the "left" and the "right" are merely pawns for, or perhaps even unwitting slaves to this upper level agenda. It's like a multi-level marketing scheme where the lower level people trying to increase their income ultimately contribute far more to goals of someone above them and those further above gain exponentially... and so on... What going on is EXACTLY like that.
But what most people don't know is this: the agendas of the "left" and the "right" are sections of the same pyramid... It's not hard to recognize who is really behind this lust and manipulation for power... Lust for power, spreading and encouraging division, using deception as a tool to keep those below in complicity... Evil at it's highest level...