Dream - 1987 Hawaii
One night sometime after midnight I had this very vivid dream:
The scene was a giant chasm that seemed bottomless and was quite wide. A massive bridge traversing that chasm had just collapsed into the chasm and I was hanging off the wreckage on the far side. As I was hanging there I became aware that the rest of the wreckage I was hanging onto was going to collapse as well. It was a terrifying moment.
As I looked across the chasm I saw a young lady with black hair desperately hanging from the wreckage on the other side. She was looking at me full of fear as to what she should do and yet so wanting to be on the other side of that chasm. Realizing that the rest of the bridge was going to collapse into the chasm, I yelled to her, "You have to go back!. The rest of the bridge you are hanging from is about to collapse into the chasm!" (In all of my years in the Lord up until then the message in my heart was always, "Come to Jesus!" I couldn't conceive of telling someone they had to go back first.)
Realizing I had no time left, I climbed up the wreckage out of the chasm. As I climbed, each section of wreckage I climbed above fell into the chasm. When I was finally safe up at the top, I looked across the chasm and lamented the loss of the bridge. Then I noticed that the young lady had made it to the top of the other side and she was standing there longing to be over on the other side but forlorn that she could not cross the chasm.
Then my location in the dream changed and I was looking at the whole scene perpendicular to where the bridge had been (impossible in the natural). What a sad loss. How was anyone going to cross the chasm now? As I was looking at the empty space where the bridge had been, a light appeared in the middle of it. It captured my whole attention because it was so beautiful and I had never seen light like that. As I watched, the light grew and spread till it traversed the entire chasm. The light enveloped the young lady and because the light traversed the entire chasm, she was also able to traverse the chasm because now she was in the light and the light was in her. Then I woke up shocked at what I had just seen and went out to our sitting room to pray about all this.
Sometimes when God gives a prophetic vision, He will also attach something to it in the way of a minor fulfillment in confirmation of the major fulfillment. The next day, the Holy Spirit put on my heart to go visit a brother I had not seen so I went to town and when I knocked on the door a young lady with black hair answered the door. She was a guest of my friend. I felt very prompted to ask her what her ethnic background was. She told me she was a Russian Jew.
A Confirming Sign
I don't remember the rest of the visit but on the way home, the Holy Spirit spoke to me very clearly "that He was going to open the door wide to Russia for the Gospel but there would come a day when that door would suddenly slam shut." The timing of the fulfilling of the dream/vision would be when the doors to Russia slammed shut again. I also was aware of His desire for the Russian Jews to leave before that door was slammed shut... Only a few years later(1991), the doors to Russia came flying open unexpectedly... The USSR as we know it was at it's end. Who would have expected that back then?
Interpretation that came to me after the dream. I have to warn you that you may find this shocking or even offensive but as some of you will know, I really don't have a choice worth choosing:
The whole thing of Russia's door being opened was only a confirming sign of the validity of the vision. (and it did happen) The real meaning of the dream is much harder for most people to swallow. The chasm is the insurmountable distance between fallen man and God. The bridge that was built to traverse that gap is what is seen by the world as the "Church" composed of multitudes of religious organizations. That organizational view is merely a shell and is of itself one of the systems of this world. However, it has served a purpose in the plan of God to further the gospel to all nations. It, like the bridge construction, is a structural component used to support the real Church which is like the surface of the path going across the bridge. The bridge is not the path across. It is only the structural component supporting the path across the chasm or perhaps merely giving confidence for some people to walk across the chasm on a path of pure light. The prophetic warning in the dream is that someday that "bridge" is going to collapse into the "chasm". That the outer form of what the world recognizes as the church will fall back into the world system itself. When that happens, there will be nothing external to support the path across the chasm.
But the Good News is that the light of Jesus Himself will finally be revealed as the ONLY way across that chasm and that it has always been that way except the "bridge" actually obstructed the full view of Him. The sole definition and boundary of His Church will be revealed as all those who are in Him knit together in perfect unity of Spirit without the external trappings of what is perceived as the "church" (organizations).
The other facet of the dream which I will mention as an "I think" is that at that time many of the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will enter into the Kingdom of God seeing Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah.
Added 2022-2-23: It doesn't take any imagination to see that the doors to Russia are/have been slammed shut at this juncture but do we see that the timing of the collapse of the "bridge" and the appearance of great light from the Lord are now about to and even now taking place. Hopefully there will be those that will not be taken by surprise in this day.
I make no claims as to the perfection of this interpretation but I do believe there is some sound understanding in it and that it was the interpretation that was given me. God bless you as you follow Jesus.
Anyone who reads this and is confused or offended, let me ask you this. Do you really think that what is called the "Church" today is really at the state of perfection ready for the return of the Messiah? I personally am expecting much more from Him than that... He is utterly above all and worthy to be praised.
Written: Mid 2013
Edited: 02/06/2014 Added dates to collapse of the USSR and some subtitles...