Friday, February 13, 2015

USA: We Are Blinded By Deception


53,000,000 children (Who would now be American citizens) have been butchered over the last four and a half decades by the USA. That's approximately 1/6th of the current population of the United States. If God was going to overlook that, He would have to have Adolf Hitler canonized as a saint. If we could hear those children crying out, "How many more have to die. How long Lord before you avenge us of our blood..." we would be rightfully terrified. Those cries have been mounting for 45 years and of late have become deafening in Heaven. If this nation ignores this warning any further, that will be a fatal mistake. This country is slowly heading towards eliminating not just the unborn "undesirables" but ALL "undesirables."


Since WWII, the greatest military power in the world has not won a single war (call it what you like) and ultimately has retreated leaving a horrible mess in the aftermath:

  • Korea
  • Vietnam
  • Iraq
  • Afghanistan (soon)
  • By our foreign policies and questionable "covert" activities initiating a never ending "war on terror" that has spread out potentially all over the world causing untold millions to live in fear of the next explosion in their midst
Arab Springs

Covertly or openly supporting and encouraging "Arab Spring" revolts resulting in nothing less than chaos and misery for those whose countries and economies now lay in shambles in the hope of "spreading democracy":

  • Libya
  • Egypt
  • Syria
The Statistics

  1. 50-60% of marriages during that time have ended in divorce
  2. 47% of present children were born out of "wedlock"
  3. Reproductive Sex without the permanent commitment of marriage (as it has been known as up until now) is the norm.
  4. 5% of third graders have had sex. 50% of all high school students have engaged in sex - a large majority with multiple partners
  5. Has become the world's largest producer and exporter of pornography
  6. The "Entertainment Industry" who has lost any sense of moral compass
  7. A population who is rapidly discarding any sense of true moral values and replacing them with psuedo values who have been left with:

  • An economy virtually crashed and artificially restored that is now nothing more than a helium filled balloon waiting to burst
  • An endlessly rising national debt being "resolved" by printing money of virtually counterfeit value
  • A government that has been for several years virtually dysfunctional who has lost all sense of direction or obligation to represent it's people.

And yet with all this and much more hanging over this countries head and its citizens most of us seem strangely disconnected from the reality of it all. Probably like no time in the history of man, we are being bombarded by by the great god, "Entertainment." Whether it is news, or video/graphic fiction, that "god" like an electronic drug is designed to keep us from any rational thinking about these things for any meaningful length of time. It is designed (deliberately) to distract us from what is really going on around us and especially to distract us from seeing the truth and being driven into prayer to the one and only true God and Father of Jesus who alone is able to save us and this nation.


  • If you take a frog and drop him into a boiling pot of water, he will instantly and instinctively try to jump out.
  • If you take a frog and drop him into a pot of cool water, he will probably stay right there. If you very slowly heat the pot of water up one degree a minute at a time, the frog will never notice the difference. He will just sit there until the water boils him to death... 

That is what is happening in this country to it's citizens. Even though in many ways the heat is being turned up we will just sit there because we are being made comfortable even with the things we would normally be very uncomfortable about. It's happening in the general population and it's happening in the "churches" and it's happening to each one of us in some way or another.

So now that you've taken the time to read this I guess you can go back to your facebook or TV or latest political discussion...

OR... You can spend some time and consider the fact that if we don't jump out of this pot of water into the waiting hands of the very loving, powerful God and Father of the Lord Jesus the Messiah and savior of the world that we are all going to boil to death - very slowly and painfully.

"We do not fight against flesh and blood but against powers 
and principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places."

The problem is a spiritual one. We need a Spiritual answer...
Fighting in the flesh or with political power is only adding to the distraction...