Monday, May 9, 2016


25 years ago I was living in a small town in Oregon where in the area racism was quite entrenched. Coming originally from Hawaii with it's mixed ethnic and racial culture, I really didn't have much of a clue as to all that. 

I had a pastor/friend there and we used to joke around a little with each other. I called him one day but had to leave a message. I was going to say something funny but the strangest thing happened when instead of saying what I was going to I found myself saying, "My name is  Katinka Motobu and I am from Nigeria. I am staying at the house of Paul Rapoza. The Lord has shown us to bring 400 African evangelists to come and aid the believers in your area and I would like to speak to you." I got off the phone and said to the Lord, "WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?" and "WHO is Katinka Motobu?" 

I never heard from that pastor again and some months later we were warned to flee for our lives. Every once in a while I would remember that instance on the phone and being perplexed all over again I would ask the Lord, "Lord, Who is Katinka Motobu?" Probably a couple years after that happened, when I asked that question again, the words came to me, "Katinka Motobu is the spirit (or angel) of the Church at Nigeria." I didn't know exactly what He meant then but I do now over 20 years later. 

The picture enclosed in this post is only a tiny glimpse of the work of the Holy Spirit through the "spirit" of the Church at Nigeria. Hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of small christian gatherings from miles and miles around all coming together for days in the Spirit of the unity of the whole Church once given to the early saints. Going from city to city and now spreading over many parts of Africa. Millions gathering together under the power of the Holy spirit with millions overall getting touched by God and being saved. Hundreds if not thousands being healed. 

If we are going to pray and ask God for anything that is sufficient to save this nation, let us pray for this: A massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit and a "Great Awakening" the likes of which this country of 300+ million people (Christian or non-Christian) have ever seen. 

"Without vision, the people perish." - Proverbs 29:18

Saturday, May 7, 2016


It is with a heavy heart that I repost this but it is apparent to me that I have to and today. Other than Israel of old I cannot think of any nation or the Church within a nation that has been so thoroughly warned. If God has to chose between the purity of His Church and the life of a nation, He WILL choose the purity of His Church, even at the expense of our comfort.


Written Feb 20th 2014    

Today, I found myself needing a rest in my heart and mind from things so I lay down on the couch for a "few minutes" and found myself in a state where I was neither awake or asleep. I had this very long dream unfold where I was trying to get into someone else's basement because I was aware that a "tornado" was coming because the sky had gotten very dark and ominous. Apparently the house had been abandoned because I got into the house very easily. 

While I was pounding on the door of that basement to get to safety, I discerned that there was somebody down there but they wouldn't respond or let me in. I forced my way in and found I had interrupted a man who had kidnapped an older middle aged Asian woman and was attempting to rape her in that basement. Just as I was about to intervene, the storm and it's destruction came and I quickly pulled the woman into a small space in the basement for safety. The only thing I was aware of was the darkness, the incredibly loud noise of houses being destroyed and the sense of the fearful power of that storm.... When the storm seemed to have passed and we went out from that small space, the man had been pierced through with debris and was dead. The entire house had been destroyed.

We went out and saw devastation everywhere for miles and miles as we walked to find an area that was not devastated. Most of the dream (over an hour) was walking and seeing endless miles and miles of the devastation. If it was a "tornado," it was like no tornado on earth...

While we were walking, it became apparent that those who had survived the storm, (and there didn't seem to be many) had become desperate in their quest to survive to the point where they were acting like packs of animals. They were roaming about in the miles of devastation raping, murdering and stealing at will. Even from each other. They seemed to bear the same character as the man in the basement. Even though they were committing evil, they had no sense of remorse. It was like they expected their victims to submit to their evil as though they were somehow justified in what they were doing.

The woman had apparently suffered some kind of trauma earlier in her life and she could not speak as a result of that trauma. That is also why she could not call out when I was banging at the door of that basement in the beginning. Even though she had suffered trauma earlier in life, which I suspected was rape, she had an abiding air of purity to her and I had a deep sense that I needed to be her protector and reassure her of the purity of my intentions to do so.

Apparently we were walking to the place where the woman lived and when we finally got there, to my surprise, the house was completely intact. I asked her, "This is your home?" and she lowered her head like someone in shame. Discerning the situation, I then said to her, "You are a slave in this house?" She nodded yes. She had been a slave in that house all her life... It didn't seem like anybody was there but she insisted upon staying there despite the danger of the roving gangs finding her so I reluctantly went off to find my children...

Then I slid out of the dream completely rested and in a wonderful sense of peace. Ironically(?) my facebook news-feed was still on and when I went to the computer, there was a short post from an acquaintance who mentioned that he was having spiritual dreams of a very destructive tsunami... The thought went through my mind and heart, "Pay Attention!"

Several hours later, I had some insights come to me even though I wasn't especially looking for it. 

-That the massive destructive storm was financial in nature and more devastating than anyone can even conceive of.

-The Asian woman was those people who live in a communist dominated Asian country (or countries) that had (have) suffered greatly during the communist takeover of their country and had been made to be silent and serve the communist agenda that has ruled their country all these years.

-Her purity is found in the believers in the Lord Jesus (the church) among them that has been purified through the fires of suffering and persecution.

-The rapist was trying to gain control of her and get her to submit to what he wanted from her.

-His terrible death was the judgement of God.

-Both the rapist and the gangs of  lawless men are those who control the finances of the world through their wealth and power, so much so that some of them survive the financial destruction of the "storm."

-Their self-serving nature will no longer be subject to any form of conscience towards others.