Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Supreme Court News Flash!


The Supreme Court today handed down it's most far reaching decision in the case "The State of Confusion vs Superman". The court overturned the federal law administered by the FAA that gave Superman a license to fly without mechanical aids based on his unique ability to fly in that manner.

In the landmark decision, the court recognized that not all human beings can fly like Superman but also found that in order to protect the rights of other human beings who cannot actually leave the ground in their attempts to fly but desire to be licensed to fly without mechanical aids, under the Equal Rights clause of the constitution, should be granted licenses to fly by the govt based solely upon the criteria that a person who believes they can fly should in all fairness be considered to be actually flying.

The long awaited Supreme Court decision was met with shouts of joy by a crowd of 100,000 people outside of the court jumping up in the air and falling down yelling, "I can fly! I can fly! I can fly!". Many in the crowd were in tears saying, "I can fly! and now the government recognizes it and I can finally have my license to fly."

Oh and Superman was originally given his license to fly in recognition of his taking responsibility to maintain order in the skies and because it was well known by everyone that he was busy saving the human race from extinction...

It has been reported that Superman has decided to leave planet earth seeing that there are so many people who are licensed to "fly" now that surely they can save the human race from extinction all by themselves...

And you know what? Superman knows that he doesn't need a "license" in order to fly. And that giving someone a license to fly doesn't make them able to. He was just being responsible in applying for one.

End of story.
End of mankind.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Blog Introduction 101

 The way life goes lately for me between work as a carpenter/handyman and helping others to communicate online, I rarely have time to actually work on my own blog. But I have a certain nudge to add to this as well. Hopefully with balance and the grace of God...

It's funny how life goes sometimes. Years ago I started and ran Inter-National Christian News online for over 5+ years. Also learned to administer the 2 internet web servers for that whole time... I had to shut it all down eventually (2002) in part because of failing support. That's not the first time in my life I've had to do that. One thing that I was left with from those experiences is that I can relate well when ministries and individuals have their dreams, visions and goals and are struggling, and believing God to continue in them (Especially when those dreams, visions and goals are focusing on the needs of others). I also know what it is like to be dependent on God's moving in people's hearts to come alongside and be supportive in those goals...

The concept "Inter-National" is still there in spirit available for anyone with the right heart to apprehend from God and apply in all kinds of ways to their life and walk in the Lord...

The vision I had of that was of believers in and among all nations and people groups functioning together as ONE and each person participating from their own unique and EQUAL local perspective, sharing with others in other nations about their lives and what God was/is doing in their locality... - Without undue reference to organizational status or division... Just God and His people... The way it's supposed to be and God intends and will accomplish some day.Quite likely despite ourselves...

In 2013, I found myself being drawn towards knowing believers in Uganda and the great need there. That's no secret on my facebook page, but it goes a lot deeper than what I feel the liberty on facebook to express for some reason. (like a lot of things on my heart at times). I've gained a lot by allowing God to place their concerns on my heart, maybe even the start of returning to my first love of God...

So I find myself, after a few months of never seeming to have the time (or the drive) to work on my own blog, having the desire to start it by sharing the concerns I have gained (a REAL spiritual blessing) from God for a few people I have gotten to know in Uganda.

The two friends I want to introduce in this post are the first two people I got to know in Uganda on a personal level. Both their lives, even though they have personal needs of their own, are focused in the long term direction of ministering to the lives and great needs of others in their communities in Uganda.

Luthy Monica

A 22 year old delightful young Christian lady in Uganda who, despite extreme poverty and having lost both her parents at a very young age, is endeavoring to become a nurse. Through what has been nothing short of miraculous support from individuals in the "Western world" at different times, she has managed to walk towards that goal and is in her 3rd 5-month semester at Jinja School of Nursing and Midwifery at present. God willing (and people being willing to be touched by the need), she will graduate in 2014 as a fully qualified, and equipped nurse ready to go out to remote villages and provide medical care to the people there or work in one of the clinics and hospitals in the area. Many people in rural Uganda die because they have poor or even non-existing medical care.

If you feel prompted to learn more about her or follow events in her life you can go to the page at the left of this called "Luthy Monica". Hopefully I can keep up a little mini-blog for her. It's my gift to her. You can also open your heart to her life and needs and donate to her education via an online donation link I've set up for her at the bottom of that page.

Mukulu Jonathan

 This precious younger brother (31?) in 2010 founded a ministry to orphans and the disadvantaged in their area of Uganda called "Oasis Orphans Care Ministry" which is registered with the government of Uganda.. Together with his staff and volunteers from area churches since then has managed to minister to needs there in spiritual and practical ways...

On my blog page called "OOCM" found on the left side of this blog, you can find more info and links to Mukulu Jonathan's personal facebook page and the OOCM official blog (which I helped them put together). Both sites linked contain much more info and Mukulu's facebook page has tons of photos of the children as well as the staff and volunteers from the village working together to alleviate the needs there. They are in particularly desperate need right now of sponsors no matter how small the amount. There is also a link on he OOCM blog on their support page that leads to a secure online donation form.