Monday, April 7, 2014

Sacrifices on the Altar of Life

One of the most "objectionable" facets of the gospel (Good News) of Jesus the Christ to many people is that God the Father was willing to sacrifice His only begotten Son for our sin. How can a loving God sacrifice His own Son?

Most people particularly in the "western world" would readily state that they do not believe in sacrificing even animals much less human beings no matter how great the perceived "benefits" would be... They would consider those things "barbaric"... REALLY???

What we confuse as "civilized" is in reality, just our distance from the act of sacrifice so we don't actually see the taking of the life in sacrifice. In reality we are just as responsible for the taking of life in a sacrifice as those that perform those actions for us.

90% of humans on the face of this earth live (are kept from death) through blood sacrifice. We partake of the daily sacrifices of the animals we eat. All of us even those that don't eat meat live by the taking of life (Animals and Plants) in some way or another. We are not so aware of that because to some degree we don't consider the life of those things as important as our own lives and well being. But it is utterly true in Humanity that we live solely as a result of the taking of life. We live because we are willing to sacrifice life.

The human species (especially in the so called "civilized world") unlike other species has taken the "need to sacrifice life to live" to a degree that is almost self destructive. We sacrifice whole forests and jungles to live in shelters that are way more than we need. We even sacrifice the air we breath for our convenience. We in the West constantly benefit from the sacrifice of decent human wages. We think nothing of partaking of the sacrifices others here locally and in 3rd world countries who are forced into being sacrificed just to survive.

Somewhere in the world there is always somebody willing to even sacrifice countless human lives (blood sacrifice) to gain or defend territory. Even if nobody is killed, someone else's freedom and sovereignty is being sacrificed for the benefit of others. People look the other way because in some way, some of us will benefit. We in the USA live here and benefit from it solely because someone was willing to sacrifice native populations who were only fighting to defend their territory. A horrible blood sacrifice for those of us who came later to benefit from. We live here as a direct result of blood sacrifice.

Friends that's a lot of sacrifices being required by us over the history of mankind. And we are all guilty of sacrificing someone or something for our own benefit. Humanity is locked into an endlessly sacrificing downward spiral. Yet we take no thought about it for the most part. 

Finally, in the "ultimate sacrifice" of blood, when one of our soldiers, police or firefighters or even a civilian lays their life down willingly for the sake of others, we honor them as heros. The best of the best.

"God so loved the world that He gave (sacrificed) His only begotten Son, so whoever would believe in Him "and the sacrifice of His own life) will not perish but have everlasting life."

Jesus was the sacrifice made by God to end all sacrifices. And that day will surely come when the full results of that sacrifice are made fully manifest on earth... We will be judged by whether we honored Him or not in our lives...

Friday, April 4, 2014

Mozilla Firefox: Submit Or Else

Gay friendly employees only. Coming soon to a corporation near you

 The Militant wing of the "homosexual agenda" (The SS) over the last few days gathered their forces and along with covert agents within Mozilla, Inc, (FireFox Web Browser) managed to perform a lightning strike operation which successfully resulted in the occupation and control of their corporate offices. After having taken upper level employees as hostages, they managed to overthrow the entire corporate government and ousted the CEO who had to flee the corporation so there would be a minimal amount of corporate bloodshed.  Apparently the fragile moral resilience and lack of military training in fending off such an assault contributed extensively to the takeover...

I hate this subject in this context but there are times when we need to stand up and be counted! I do have to say something here because NOBODY has said it in the press or opinion columns that I have seen so far so here it is LIKE it or not:

One of the major planks of the SS (etc) agenda is protection under the law from DISCRIMINATION ON THE JOB against them. In some respects that is understandable. It is already against the law in some states to not hire, fire, not promote, harass, or in any way discriminate against someone on the JOB for their sexual anything along with a HOST of other things protected against discrimination on the job. They SAY they want EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW. "EQUALITY" is their battle cry. The FRONT to that "battle cry" being pushed, "We just want to be treated solely on the basis of our ability to perform the job." In other words to not suffer job discrimination based on their PRIVATE behavior, social interactions and political opinions, (etc) outside of the job environment.

Well there seems to be a little mass confusion lately among them and their sometimes overemotional supporters about what that statement actually means in reality. There apparently is a huge gap between what is being expressed and what is being practiced towards others. (apparently en mass in this situation)

This SS (etc) agenda (not be be confused with many other people of same sex persuasion who are not comfortable with all this or are going along with it quite often out of fear of reprisals) is NOTORIOUS for capturing the use of words and images that belong to all people without distinction as they apply in longstanding context and redefining them to suit their agenda (ie: "gay," "marriage," "rainbow," "sex," "hate," "phobia," etc). They have apparently captured yet another word and REDEFINED it for their purposes exclusive of all other people's longstanding and common usage. Apparently "EQUALITY" and "EQUAL RIGHTS in the workplace have now been totally redefined by them as being exclusive to and subject to official SS (etc) Agenda...
Here's an example of their militant version of defending "Equal Rights" in the workplace:

COMPANY: Mozilla (Developers of Firefox Browser, etc)
POSITION: CEO to lead a company that has served hundreds of millions worldwide faithfully for years to insure independent and unrestricted access to the Internet.
QUALIFICATIONS: Applicant must have an exceptional track record of proven leadership in business and software development. Applicant must also have a long term exceptional record of performance within the company and have demonstrated consistent heartfelt loyalty to the company, it's employees and it's purposes.
APPLICANT: Brendan Eich
COMPANY HISTORY: Co-founder of Mozilla (15 years)
STATUS: Hired but forced to resign after one month due to pressure and objection from the militant SS Agenda for having made a private, relatively small donation to a non SS Agenda approved political cause.
NOTE TO HR (Human Resources Dept): Please submit all future personnel hires to representatives and investigators of the official SS Agenda for approval before considering applicants.
NOTE TO SS REPS: The next word you need to redefine in our society to conform to your behavior and exclusive agenda is the word "HYPOCRISY"...

If you want freedom, give freedom. If you want rights, defend the reasonable rights of others. If you want to be loved, treat people with love. (not lust) and if you want respect, you have to earn that respect by the way you respect others and conduct your life...

RESPECT is not something you are "born with."
It's something you EARN...

If you are totally clueless as to what this is about you can click on the following news article:

Mozilla CEO Resigns From Post After Being Vilified for Supporting Prop 8