Islam is an ideology that is incompatable with not only the doctrines of the Messiah but the very Spirit of the Messiah. One is totally dependent upon the flesh and the other should be crucified to the flesh and completely dependent on the Spirit. But there is one somewhat common thing between the two as far as religions go:
One cannot say that all Muslims are violent extremists any more than one can say that ALL Christians are using their recreational time hanging out at graveyards raising the dead. But in the same way one CAN say that anyone who is a Muslim and is affected by the ruling spirit can at any time resort to violent religious actions just as any Christian can be moved by the Spirit and empowered to raise the dead. Now if we are not jumping in our cars to go to a graveyard right now perhaps we should humble ourselves and seek God's mind as to what may be more compatable with our level of faith.
So here is a spiritual principle: If we lump people together and identify them as a group or agenda in our mind and that is how we relate to them, we are actually empowering that ruling spirit and possibly maybe even likely creating a stronghold in our own mind that can make us useless to God. But if we allow God to instruct and empower us to see each and every human being as an individual that Jesus died for and refuse to lump people into "categories" of any kind then the the very premise on which a ruling spirit is functioning is defeated in us and whether we understand it or not in the people we are relating to. Every person then is observed based solely upon their individual behavior (which is exactly how God sees us). God is also then able to lead us to individuals and He in us to relate to them as such. If we approach an individual solely as one of a bunch or an agenda, we are already defeated because we are empowering the very thing that may be resisting God.
I don't think we realize how much of our lives (and prayer lives) are confined by not understanding this one principle. Human beings by fallen nature gravitate very powerfully to the security of group identification. That is true whether we identify ourselves and others politically, religiously, or even by our favorite sports teams. There is an endless list competing for our loyalty if we are not focused solely on indentifying with the Messiah and particularly in His death for us. What we choose to identify with personally is going to seriously affect our subsequent choices as to how we are going to relate to others.