One day a neighbor was hunting pigs nearby and his hunting "dog" (that was half wolf) got wind of those sheep while we were all gone and jumped over the fence and attacked them before his owner got him under control. When we came back those sheep were laying out in the grass with severe wounds. Some had gouges chewed out of them 2-3 inches in diameter and over 1/2 an inch deep. It didn't look good for them to live. The vet told her to put them down but she just couldn't do that to her sheep.
I watched that young lady nurse those sheep for quite a few months before enough growth was able to cover over those huge gapping gouges. Every day putting new dressing on them and trying to win the battle over the flies that would congregate around the wounds. Finally though they were all healed. It was slow and arduous progress.
The apartments faced that grassy area and their decks were about 6 feet off the ground. One day I was out in the parking lot (also facing that fenced in grass and the sheep) while fixing a car early in the morning I witnessed something that was utterly precious. The sheep were in there eating grass as usual but every minute or so they would all stop and stare the deck in front of that young lady's apartment. She hadn't woken up yet. This went on for over a half an hour every minute or so.
Suddenly, the young lady came out of her apartment and surveyed her sheep from the railing of the deck. I saw something amazing. From the second she stepped out on the deck those sheep stood motionless for quite a while staring at her in what appeared to be utter admiration for their shepherd, their healer, their protector. It was like they were in awe (and so was I) locked into their gaze of her appearance on the deck. It was as though they worshipped her and lived for her appearing every morning on that deck.
I couldn't help but equate what I saw to Jesus and His sheep. He will never leave or forsake us. He will never abandon us no matter how wounded we are or what it takes for us to be healed - even if others give up on us. And we should be watching and patiently waiting for His appearing and awestruck at even a glimpse of Him. The whole experience was such a wonderful picture of the Good Shepherd.
Now this was a beautiful picture of spiritual reality but I have to be honest and also mention that quite some time later, there came a day when this precious young lady had to move elsewhere and had to turn over her sheep to the care of another. That must have been really hard for her.
Now if you were God and you had some human "sheep," what kind of a shepherd would you pick to take care of them?
Well I better end this story but I should tell you that a few years later, at about 19 years of age, God called her to a mission field in a South American country where she has been ever since, working with young people and adult villagers. (over 15 years now)
I hate to even tell you how many times in my life I have given up on people only to have the LORD later prove me utterly wrong. He never gives up on us. That is a lesson each and every one of us should consider every day.
"Christ died for ALL sin, for ALL mankind, for ALL time."