I once got a word from the LORD about the nonprofit religious corporate status of church and ministry organizations in the USA.
"The spear that you are leaning on will pierce your hand."
The sign of it's coming would seen manifesting in the Boy Scouts of America. (Bear in mind that this was many years ago and I had nothing to do with scouting at all.)
I see it as a warning that there are going to be changes in the relationship between government and the Church. That it is not so much that non-profit status it is an "evil" thing of itself but that it will be turned into a liability - a method of control - a demand for compromise.
Please understand that when I speak of the "Church" I am not refering to the outer garment of "organizations" that will perish with the using. Organization has it purposes but when it's purpose is fulfilled or it ceases to align with God's purposes it will be discarded. Instead of submitting to God's plan we ultimately try to preserve that which He has discarded by building images of the now discarded garment. Nothing more than historical monuments along the road that leads to the return of the Messiah.[*]
Some of the garments that God will discard along that path is our love for our country, our denomination and our racial/ethnic background. Those three are very difficult to give up because they form a major part of our identity in the flesh. But those three also form barriers, sometimes very subtle, between believers as well. They can be, if not always, spiritually blinding and binding. Giving them up to God is about as welcome in us and the world around us as much as we would welcome having all our teeth pulled. We only allow the dentist to have his way when we are driven to submit in pain or danger to our own health.
Everything that God is allowing in this country is designed for the benefit of the believers. To shake us loose from that which binds us in spirit. To shake us loose from that which is temporal and release in us that which is eternal. God built into man the desire to identify with Him but because of the fall of man we are left with emptiness that drives us to find other things to identify with. We are, in the flesh, naked and ashamed. God is asking us, "Are you willing to be naked and unashamed before Him and all men. To have your sole identity formed within you be that which is W-holy reserved for Him."
We cannot be clothed by God in holy garments while we are still wearing those that are passing away.
Does that mean that we abandon our country, denomination or race? NO! (unless God leads you to personally) "Be in the world but NOT a part of it." It is only then that God can use us in those arenas effectively because we no longer have anything to gain from them. Our identity is hidden in Christ.
[*] The Kingdom of God is always in motion even if that motion is stillness which is just the preparation for the next wave. On earth it manifests as waves or moves of the Holy Spirit. Our tendency is to idolize the wave we have been priviledged to ride and when it discipates (and it will) we idolize that wave not noticing that there are many more waves to come. Our attempts to recreate a wave only serve to interfere with the next wave coming.