Saturday, August 10, 2013

Passing It On

This morning I was scanning Mukulu Jonathan's (OOCM's founder and director) personal facebook page for potential back dated content for the new "blog" I've been helping out and putting together in my spare time and I happened upon this statement he posted in November 2012 (before I met him). I think, mostly, we only see bits and pieces of people's lives posted on facebook, rarely knowing them in a more personal way. I have also noticed over the years that people tend to become more aware of a "named ministry" and rarely take the time to get to know the people behind it all or how it all started...

Mukulu Jonathan, a local christian and a friend of mine in Uganda, posted this and I think it shows insight into his heart and what drives him in ministry to orphans and the disadvantaged. I have to say though that it is wisdom that is being lived out in their lives on a daily basis but it can also form in us a "seed" of understanding that can grow into a direction in our lives as people and believers in many other different ways and directions.

"All believers need to share yourself with others, life begins to find its meaning to our lord. When you help others you start planting a generation, happiness to young ones. The time you touch the lives of others is the moment you truly live your purpose near to lord. The kindness we do is never lost or forgotten and each act takes root to grow and every bit of love we show in time will come up with good fruit. we also need to uplift friends in prayers, AMEN"

I heard an old brother from the welsh revivals (early 1900's) speak a word once from his experience of many, many decades of life:

"You produce your like!..."

I was thinking this morning about that "word" and how it might apply to Mukulu Jonathan's heartfelt statement above. And how what he said could very well change our lives in the Lord...

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