Friday, January 31, 2014

Investing In The Future - Of Children

How to expand, exponentially, the profits on your "investments."

There's a reason why Western corporations invest their business in 3rd world countries. We in the West, we have certain expectations in life and that actually drives the cost of living up for everybody. So the cost of our labor and raw materials is much, much... higher to those corporations. So, they go to 3rd world countries and because you can get anything out of a very poor person for almost nothing, their costs for labor and materials is pennies on the dollar in most 3rd world countries. It helps the people in those countries (a little) and profits those corporations (A LOT). It is to those corporations' benefit to keep those people poor and uneducated. That's the American/Western way.

Now this post isn't about corporate greed but the above is certainly worth noting for us normal human beings. I will say one more thing though. Corporations are NOT people. PEOPLE run corporations and hide their actions and accountability behind them. The people running those corporations are NOT making a profit at all. In fact they are incurring massive personal loss and debt upon themselves that they will never recover from. (unless they do some serious repentance and restitution) There are principles governing this world and mankind that are universal to all mankind. One of them is "You reap what you sow." Some people call it "Karma". I'm sure there are other names for it as well. It's right there along with things like, um gravity. We can jump up in the air a little and fool ourselves into thinking we are above it. We can even, if we are very wealthy, buy a Lear jet and fly way above it all - for a while. But the bottom line is that gravity is going to have it's way. PERIOD.

Now considering that, what about the rest of us who don't have millions of dollars at our disposal and an unlimited supply of cheap labor to take advantage of? What can we do about all that? Well there is something we can do and uniquely so at that. We normal human beings in the Western world are equipped in a way, no matter how poor we are, to invest in 3rd world countries and people. The return on those investments is exponential and if you think I am exaggerating or pushing a personal agenda, I'll give you a solid proven example of exponential return on investment.

For the price of a cheap lunch in the USA, you or I can actually pay for a child in Uganda to go school for a month. Now that's just an example that I'm very familiar with. There are lots of investments like that. But let's use that one. One lunch compared to one month in school for a child (that will not be going to school without it). But stay with me ok cause the investment is even more sweet that most of us realize. Here's the deal:

 Do The Math

One lunch ingested into one human being = satisfied hunger (or indigestion depending on what you ordered). That's it. We won't even think about it tomorrow and probably won't miss the 8 -10 dollars we spent to buy it.

One lunch in the West = one month's education for a child in Uganda.

But wait! That's not the whole picture!

= 20 lunches at school (as much as possible)
= Books, notebooks, pencils, pens, etc (things that we take for granted)
= uniforms in most cases (some of these children only have one set of clothes)
= Excitement and joy that will live far longer than our indigestion or satisfaction
= Relief and extreme gratitude in the heart of a poor parent or guardian
= In the long term, the ability to have a job, and much better income
= A lasting impression of Westerners (instead of the above representation)
= That inner sense that you've done something good
= Hope...
(That last one alone is worth the investment where it's an elusive commodity)

Invest your lunch today 

(maybe even 2 or 3. It costs about 25.00 USD per 3 month term.).
That isn't too much to ask is it?
I mean really? Think about it. Think deep about it. I have.
Don't let this "investment opportunity" pass you by...

God bless you all - Paul Rapoza

There is a link below. Click on it. All proceeds except transfer fees go to these efforts in Uganda.
Buy a kid in Uganda a "lunch"... I know of about a hundred of them that need help to go to school right now and the term starts Feb 3rd...

My Uganda Support Page for online donations. Please be sure to read the instructions and info...

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