Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Mystery of the Universe

What will our generation be likened to? We are like a group of intellectuals standing continually every day on one side of a wide river discussing how to make a way to cross it to get to the fertile ground and wealth on the other side. We have spent our whole lives pondering it and discussing it. 

Along comes a simpleton who walks past us, walks around a bend in the river and without giving it a thought keeps walking right across a bridge he comes upon to the other side. When he gets to the other side he thinks, "I should go tell those men." So he goes back to our group of intellectuals and tells us about the bridge around the bend. We, upon hearing it, mock him and tell him to go away. "We don't need the likes of you. We are intelligent beings. What you just told us is completely stupid. Such a thing cannot be because we have not yet found a way across the river." So the simpleton does exactly as we tell him and walks back around the bend and across the bridge to live in that fertile land...

I've often thought and occasionally said that if we were to go to the edge of the universe (and there is one.), to see what is out there and come back to earth, we would spent the rest of our lives in an insane asylum. Our finite limited minds would not be able to handle the truth of what we would find out... 

In reality, to an eternal God, the universe is nothing more in essence than an elaborate hologram of the eternal world that He exists in and has invited us to be a part of that eternal world by opening up the door of faith in His Son Jesus. "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." God made a way where there was no way. "God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world to Himself." A way that bridges the distance between God and man. That is too simplistic for the modern mind to comprehend. The mysteries of the universe are so simple that our finite minds cannot handle the Truth. 

Paul the Apostle of Jesus was caught up into the heavens and saw things "that are unlawful to speak of." Are there things we are not allowed to know in this present life? What prompted him to write, "Eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, nor has it entered into the minds of men, the things that God has prepared for those who love Him."?

If the truth were to be known, the entire universe would be found to be contained in a glass-like ornament hanging in the reality that God and all heaven exists in. On our own, there is a massive gap between us and God that is as wide as the universe. We can spend the next ten billion years trying to get there or we can simply go around the bend in our river and walk across the bridge that God has made for us. Maybe our  "all knowing" brilliance can wrap our head around that one for a while. 

I'm sure the simpleton will come will come and visit us in the psych ward. Maybe he will even bring us some fruit from the other side of the universe (Umm I mean river)...

"I will make a way where there is no way." Says the Lord. And He did. We don't need to figure it out. We just have to believe that it is there and walk across it."