Thursday, October 2, 2014

Corporate Identities

I was thinking today about something briefly (yes sometimes I do think briefly!). I tend to listen to my friends and the people around me even though I may not totally agree with them. Sometimes I do agree with them no matter what side of the identity game we play. Democrat or Republican Liberal or Conservative, I listen. I tend to detest that kind of man made identity so I will admit I am biased against it. I don't like human beings hiding behind the man-made skirts of their corporation. It is a strong trend among a lot of people today to almost resent that. People today are starving for genuine human interaction, not corporate informational handout sheets.

People are increasing growing sick of Corporate Identities, especially ones who seek to have an inordinate control and influence over their lives. I would very definitely agree with that frustration. - Especially if those corporate identities become predominant and bury our own individual identities. It's no longer about the quality of a facet of life or who is actually involved. It's all about improving Corporate Identity, something that is nothing more that a facade to hide the people involved who want power - something that reduces human beings to the value of mere cogs in a corporate wheel. It's that way in business, politics and and various other agendas. One other thing about Corporations is that they are always competing. It's a part of their nature. They just don't seem to feel good about themselves unless they are doing better that others.

Not everything about a corporation is intrinsically bad because, underneath it all, there are real human beings involved. People may have had the best intentions when they started a corporation. Sometimes really good things are done. Unfortunately, because of the nature of incorporation, it will eventually take on it's own identity and the original people involved will fade away leaving a vacuum waiting to be filled by who are more interested in power and acclaim than those that started it.

So what I'm trying to say is that there are a whole lot of people who are tired of living under the vast arrays of Corporate powers that rule over us in one form or another.

So what is the "Church" as a whole doing to reach out to these people? Guess what? We are doing exactly the same thing. People who are hungry for a non-corporate life and value as a person are being fed by and large the same diet in that sense in the church organizations as they are being fed in the corporate world. "Come to me all you that are heavily laden" is still there to some degree but in order to have it, you have to "Come to our Corporate  Church Identity" and are taught to embrace it exclusively as well. More often than not they are encouraged to become a part of that identity. They get lots of Jesus (hopefully) but unfortunately more of the same thing as it is in the corporate world in the way of organization, identity and loyalty. It is the concept that if one belongs to one corporate church identity then one does not belong to another. Whether we want to admit it or not, that format leads to destructive competition in one form or another and identificational pride.

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