Tuesday, November 3, 2020

WORD From November 3, 2014

[[[ I found this "word" in a backup file. It had been placed on the "side" for just such a time as this. It is not for everyone but only those who desire to survive the spiritual apocalypse that is about to take place in "America" and elsewhere that will see it's full ramifications. It will be a hard word to swallow but I know I am to post it today publicly with no uncertainty. I did not design this or knowingly keep it. It just popped up in front of me this morning looking for something else. It was as though there was a delay in Heaven but now it is going to be released. - PDR November 3rd, 2020 ]]]


How ironic if not prophetic that on the very same grounds of the destruction (and perhaps a warning) of 9/11, on which was once later envisioned the building of a Tower dedicated to Freedom rising up out of the ruins, that a transition took place that brought about the building of the "One World Trade Center instead. There is a ring of symbolism in that which is somewhat discomforting.... 

There is no true freedom apart from Christ.

Jesus said something worth taking note of: "You cannot serve God and Mammon. You will either love the one and hate the other." [or visa versa] You CANNOT! That holds true for individuals and that holds true for nations and that holds true for church organizations as well. In this nation as a whole there has been a diminishing of reverence for God coupled with a growth of a certain psuedo religious reverance for God which has no true weight of glory at all. Both are a reflection of Hate for Him (Hate for Him as He really is.) 

At the same time on the other side of the scales of the reality of the level of spiritual control in this country, the Corporate Financial world has gained a foothold of power to an obvious level like has never quite been seen (and we are only allowed to see the surface.) There is a growing worship of and dependency on Mammon -above- all. There is a growing willingness to sacrifice any amount of conscience to gain and/or to maintain status with the god of Mammon. Especially when the threat of one's financial boat rocking takes place. The higher up one is, the more so it is true. The love of Mammon begins to possess the conscience until finally the conscience is seared with a hot iron. That can happen to men and nations of men. When the conscience is seared the hatred of all that is God-ordained is complete. Mammon's true nature can then come forward.

"Evil is withheld only until that which restrains it is taken out of the way."

What is known as the Church in America has never been truly severed from the influence of the power of Mammon, but that is about to happen. There is no true fire for the gold planted by God in us to be refined with. The conflict that is being set up between the people of God and the power of Mammon in this country will accomplish that. It will be a total and complete severance as the love and security of Mammon strains against God's restraints on one's conscience forcing a decision between one or the other. It will be a choice between the outward form of the Church upheld by flirting with the powers of Mammon to maintain outward appearance vs the demand of God for the inward purity of the Church. Many will fail this upcoming test of faith even in leadership.

I am seeing an old fashioned scale. I have been seeing it almost all night. On the one side is God's influence on the people of God and the people around them and the nation they live in (but are not in spiritual reality a part of.) On the other side is the influence of the power of Mammon and his influence on men and nations. The scale has always been kept at a balance up until now but because of the choices that have to be made soon, many will fall to the side of Mammon's power and influence. Those that are left on the side of the scale influenced by God and who remain so will not be able to counter-weight or restrain the side of the influence of Mammon any longer. The side under the control of Mammon will suddenly plunge downwards thrusting what remains in God up to a level never experienced before in this generation in this country. Mammon will not in reality have won a victory. He will only be used to sever the weight of what has been holding back God's will in His Church. His will is to sever the Church from earthly dependency and lift it up into new heights of heavenly dependency.

The Church (the called out, the chosen ones) will find it's place in Christ apart from national identity and dependency, and what is called "America" will be exposed for it's true nature: An entity of darkness and rebellion posing as an angel of light.

It's going to be a sobering 2-3 of years ahead of us. The axe is just about to be laid to the root of the tree of which we have wrongly trusted in...

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