Monday, March 24, 2014

Historical Vanity

If ever there was a "word" for today for what is known as the "Church of Jesus the Messiah" (especially in the Western world) it would be this:

Somebody was showing Jesus the temple in Jerusalem and all the impressive buildings surrounding it and Jesus blows them away with, "You see all this? I tell you there will not be left standing of all this, one stone left standing upon another..." Jesus wasn't even remotely impressed with it all. HE was standing there Himself as the the habitation of the Holy Spirit - the temple of Living God.

The location of the temple of God had changed. The buildings of the former temple were empty of God's presence and even though they once held the presence of God, they were nothing more now than historical vanity...

It was that same "historical vanity" bereft of the Spirit of God that called for the crucifixion of the Son of the Living God. In approximately 70 Ad the temple was leveled to the ground. Why?

"...because you did not know the time of your visitation.”

Have we already or are we about to miss our day of visitation? Are we so reluctant that we refuse to move forward with God as He moves forward?

And then in another place the Spirit of God speaks and says,

"Why when I called was there no one to answer, no man to stand in the gap?"

God has been speaking to HIS Church. Are we listening and being obedient to declare those things? What cost are we willing to pay?
And again He speaks,

"To every man is given a certain measure of faith..."

"Why do you spend money for that which cannot satisfy?..."  "I counsel you to buy gold refined in the fire..."

Invest it wisely. Invest it in the eternal. Invest it in the Kingdom of God. Like any investment, if we invest it foolishly, we can lose it.
Many others before us have suffered and died for their faith. Their lives are like refined gold and as examples to us that they "loved not their own lives unto death" for the sake of the Kingdom.
Do we really know what God's view is as to what exactly constitutes His "Church" the "Temple of the Holy Spirit?" OR are we still investing in the "historical vanity" that has been erroneously defined as the "Church" all these centuries?

The Church of Jesus the Messiah is a spiritual living organism composed of all who have been, now are and will ever be living in the Spirit of the Messiah. It is not an external earthly organization. The only thing that connects us is that we all are born of the same Spirit...