Saturday, June 11, 2016


It is not "Christianity" (in it's truest essence) that is the problem but the fact that in the first few centuries, some of the "bishops" of the gatherings committed fornication with the kings of the earth and merged a deviant "Christianity" with the power and consent of political government. That deal was cinched when Constantine was proclaimed "Head of the Church" (which was not the Church of Jesus the Messiah but a group that had fallen away from the Messiah in Spirit.) That false "church" "has the appearance of godliness but denies the power" of God Himself replacing that power with earthly political power and identity. (Replacing a relationship with God through the Messiah with a relaltionship to the politically created religious entity and identity.) Instead of identifying with the Messiah (the Christ) they mearly took His name/title (the Christ) but were actually identifying with their own false image and earthly power. They traded the power of God for earthly power. That entity later had daughters who came out of her womb and committed fornication with the "kings of the earth" in the same way that their mother the Harlot had done. In that sense the name "Christianity" was hijacked and kidnapped. Those daughters birthed their own daughters and they birthed their own, etc. etc. etc. but the sin resident in their lineage of committing fornication with the kings of the earth is passed down generation to generation. It is not Christianity itself but the organizational sin of fornication with the kings of the earth. That pattern of the Great Whore and her daughters replaced the missing Holy Spirit and the giftings of the Spirit with outward forms and positions (priests, "pastors (so called)," "bishops(so called)," etc.) Men created "church" identities and images solidified by the consent and authority of earthly governments. That trend has been passed down to "Christianity" even to this day - so much so that the inherited sin is viewed as righteousness. "The day of denominationalism is over. That which is highly esteemed in the sight of men is an abomination to God." But we need to be careful because God has always had a remnant in the midst of it all. "Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart." We need to be careful about pulling the weeds out and damaging the roots of the fruitful plants in the midst. God has times of harvest when the wheat and the weeds are harvested at the same time and He will separate the wheat from the weeds and the wheat from the stalk that supported it.

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