Friday, May 3, 2019


(I can't seem to shake the deep sense of the need to post this. It is NOT what we in the USA, particularly believers in the Lord Jesus want to hear but it is what we need to hear.)

Back during the last election in the USA, I saw a picture of two gear wheels engaged with each other spinning together to crush anything in their way. Although I see it a something far more than political parties, there was a wrench thrown in between them that caused them to come to a grinding halt. I saw that God had allowed Trump (the totally unexpected outsider who won the Presidency) to be thrown into the gear works to hinder a vicious agenda that was prepared to take over in this country so that believers would have more time to prepare. That delay however would only be held in place only until the monkey wrench was "taken out of the way." That expression "taken out of the way" brought much sadness to my heart and pity for the man used as a monkey wrench. I don't know exactly what it means but it speaks of the great evil coming upon this nation and those who are faithful to Christ are standing in it's way. They're not going to allow a "repeat" of what happened in the last election that foiled their plans. I don't even recommend that we presume that either God or this agenda is working in such a way that we can bank timing on our election cycles either. We should never underestimate the desperation of the spirit behind all this. The Christian Body has largely squandered that time. It's just "church as usual" and basking in the deception of the moment.

When Trump got elected you could see the evil spirit behind all this by just how crazy the reactions were at the time. People were unable to hide what was driving them. They wanted him dead. They wanted the so called "Conservative Christian Right" dead. The present leadership and followers are touting "Make America Great Again" but the slogan of what is coming is "Never Again!" There is a huge part of the population of this country that are like a wild hornets's nest. Right now they have calmed down a bit but the slightest provocation and they will swarm like angry bees everywhere all at once attacking anything perceived as a threat to their "liberties" (sin) and an agenda that is bent on the destruction of the USA as a world power.

The big hidden "mystery" is that the Republican party is just as infiltrated by this evil spiritually as the Democratic party. That's the ace up the sleeve of this spiritual agenda, that hardly anybody in the Christian Body is expecting, that it is being held in reserve. Two wings of the same vulture and guess who made it all possible... The Christian "Moral Majority."

But the monkey wrench between the gears is not just a man any more. It is the economy that is thriving. In order for this agenda to pull off what it has planned, economic stability and confidence is also now standing in the way, especially in the cities. This agenda needs chaos and fear to bring people into cooperation then subjection to itself. Nothing brings a man into subjection and willingness to overlook obvious improprieties that he would normally resist and object to than economic instability. Unfortunately, that is also where the heart of most American Christians are at today.

Human nature is very predictable. When they feel fear, they just like animals either succumb to a flight response or a fight response. Either response falls right into the hands of this sordid agenda. Our only true course is to surrender our lives and wills to Christ more than we ever have before. Don't wait for these events to happen. God wants us to be prepared in our hearts in advance. The vulture is hovering, waiting. It knows it's only a matter of time...

May God have mercy on us all!

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