Sunday, October 13, 2013

Rumbling Like An Earthquake

There is something rumbling inside of me from the Lord like an earthquake rumbles the ground...

There is something about an earthquake that is marvelous and yet terrifying... No matter how much we think we have it together in our lives, in that moment we become so aware (really the Truth) that we are very frail and powerless compared to the power of nature... In one moment we can lose our homes, even much of our community, our jobs, and potentially our access to food, electricity, and (Oh Lord not that!) even our internet connections. An earthquake can dramatically change the landscape (and the life and understanding of security) we are standing on.

There are quite a few christians who have clearly sensed that there is an upheaval coming to the United States (and ultimately to the whole world) and like in an earthquake, when it happens, we are not even going to remotely recognize the nation for the condition that we "thought" it was in... Our security and everything we have put our faith into in life will be shaken by what we see.

But there is one thing in "christianity" in the US that we are totally overlooking for some reason and maybe that is evidence of deception itself IN the "church" itself (or at least what we recognize as the "church")...

The scripture says "judgement (the exposure of the truth) comes FIRST to the House of God and THEN to the world."

There is an incredible prophetic message planted at horrible human cost in the fall of the "Twin Towers" on 9/11/2001. Those towers did not collapse solely because some terrorists attacked them. They only attacked several stories near the top. The reason that the "Twin Towers" collapsed was because of the way they were built. In fact (all conspiracy theorists aside) it was the very qualities that made them strong and so "admirable" that caused them to collapse. As the top stories collapsed on the next story down, each collapsed story with it's weight and force of collapse was added to the total collapse exponentially cascading and crushing the whole building.

It's somewhat easy hindsight to see that in our economy and definitely in our political system at present, but how many christians in the USA can see that a whole bunch of the religious system we have built in American "christianity" resembles a city of towers.

Are we building for the admiration or are we building to protect and prepare the believers from an inevitable collapse of the system??? The GOOD NEWS is that Jesus and HIS CHURCH is going to endure forever. You can count on that. HIS church. Not YOUR church, not your pastor's church, not your denominations "church"... The church of Jesus is like nothing else on earth. It is a living organism held together by the infilling of the Holy Spirit of God Himself...

Footnote worth considering:
About 10 years ago, in Portland, Oregon, there was what I would call a "small" earthquake (3.8?). I grew up on a volcanic island and have been through at least two 7.2+ earthquakes and a dozen or so in the high 6.0+ range. Well shortly after this "small" earthquake, I went to a restaurant and everybody was all excited and talking about this "BIG" earthquake. So to educate them about the realities, I would ask them, "Could you stand up?" They would answer, "Why yes. Of course!" Then I would widen my eyes in wonder and tell them, "Then it wasn't a -BIG- earthquake." They really needed to think about THAT one...

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